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2501 1/2 Westerland Dr. Houston, TX 77063

The VA Benefit can pay for rent in an assisted living community

Let us help you qualify for an extra $2,050/month as a wartime Veteran. 

VA Aide and Attendance (A&A) Benefit

The “Aide and Attendance” program provides extra payments to qualified veterans who live in an assisted living community like Treemont. You can use the VA payment to cover the cost of rent, meals, and care at Treemont, letting you keep more of your own funds for other purposes.

We are working with Patriot Angels, an organization whose sole mission is to help veterans qualify for this benefit.

You served. Let us serve you.

Vietnam Veterans and spouses are now potentially eligible for care assistance.

Who is Eligible?

  1. Veteran over 65, who served during war time, with honorable discharge (no flexibility).
  2. Or surviving spouse, married to the qualified Veteran at the time of death (no flexibility).
  3.  Needs some care assistance, or a protected living environment (some flexibility).
  4.  Household income of less than $2,100/month single or $2,500 couple after care costs (some flexibility).
  5.  Assets less than $123,000, excluding home value and personal property (some flexibility).
  6.  Must not be receiving a benefit for wounds suffered during service (some flexibility).

Patriot Angel role:

1. Patriot Angels will do a  free “initial evaluation” to see if you qualify for this benefit.

2. They will help you identify and collect all the documentation needed for a formal application.

3. They will review your documentation to confirm eligibility, and organize to support VA approval.

4. Only if the documentation supports your eligibility, Patriot Angels will charge a one-time fee of $1,195 for a pre-filing consultation and Long Term Care Assessment with VA accredited attorney before submitting your application to the VA, and follow the process until a benefit is awarded.

Treemont role:

Treemont Health Care Center is a licensed assisted living community, and meets all the requirements for this program.   Residing at Treemont will help your application clearly meet the need for care assistance during review by the VA.  Payments you make to Treemont can also potentially be used as an “offset” to the monthly income limits of the program under some circumstances.  

    Get started:


    Erin Walker, Community Relations Manager

    Office Phone:844-757-3047
    Email: Erin@PatriotAngels.com
    Website: www.PatriotAngels.com


    In a week, Erin will complete a preliminary screen to see if you qualify, and if so, will connect you with other Patriot Angels staff to continue collecting and evaluating additional documentation required. The VA review process can take 3-4 months after the formal application is completed.

    The VA benefit will be back-dated, effective to the date of submission. If your application is submitted on January 1 and approved on April 1, you will receive the benefit back-dated to January 1.  Click for more on Patriot Angels.

    Contact us:

    To get the VA application process started at Treemont:

    Call Melanie Grove at 713-816-2033 to get the VA application process started. Or call or Email Lisa Witt, Owner at 505.797.8735. We will get you on the right path to receive the veteran benefits you have earned for serving your country!

    Can you imagine the difference an extra $1,250 to $3,017/month in a veteran’s pocket would do for you or a loved one?

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    Thank you for your service.

    Treemont Health Care Center
    2501 1/2 Westerland Drive
    Houston, TX 77063  MAP

    Mailing Address
    PO Box 631249 Houston, Texas 77263