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2501 1/2 Westerland Dr. Houston, TX 77063
Is it time for assisted living?
Americans are living longer lives. Advances in diet, medicine, and lifestyle are allowing us to stay active and independent much longer than previous generations.
As we age, however, some of our needs change.
According to the The National Council on Aging, while good health ensures independence, security, and productivity, millions of older adults struggle daily with health and safety challenges such as chronic disease, falls, and mental health issues.
- Transportation. Are you able to get to your appointments safely? Are you comfortable driving? Do other drivers honk or speed around you? Have you had a fender-bender recently? Are you no longer driving and maintaining your own vehicle and find yourself isolated or inconveniencing others as a result.
- Medicine. Do you find yourself with more pills to take daily? With more than one medicine do you find yourself accidentally skipping doses, or doubling up on
a Is all the medical jargon confusing? Are you up on your scheduled appointments and screenings? Do you have transportation to and from appointments?medicine . - Finances. Are you comfortable handling the bills and financial decisions
- Health. Has your health changed recently? Have you had an illness or fall? Did you have a health scare? Have you had a recent illness like the flu and find you are slow to recover? Have you developed a chronic illness that requires more medicine, care, and a change of your routine?
- Daily tasks. Is maintaining the house getting to be a bit too much? Are sweeping, mopping, and lawn maintenance tasks becoming harder to do? Is it harder to go up and down the stairs in your home? Do you find yourself skipping some things and they never seem to get accomplished?
- Lifestyle. Are you enjoying all of your favorite activities? Are you spending time with friends? Enjoying worship? Getting out of the house and having new experiences?
- Safety. In an emergency, is there someone nearby to help you? If there was a fire, flood or disaster, are you able to get to safety? If you fell or had a medical emergency do you and your loved ones have a plan?
Warning Signs for Family
As our parents and loved ones age, cognitive problems may emerge and affect decision-making and safety. In addition many older adults struggle with physical issues, medication-induced changes, depression and mental health issues.
Family members are an important factor in the safety, well-being, and quality of life for an aging adult. Be on the lookout for red flags that may indicate your family member needs assistance.
- Noticeable Weight loss or gain
- Bruising
- Hygiene issues
- Missed appointments
- Forgetting to take medicine
- Signs the stove has been left on
- Accidents + falls
- Isolation + withdrawal from friends, family and favorite activities
- Rash spending, hoarding or other behavior changes
- Unpaid bills and unopened mail
Senior Living Worksheet
Use this checklist for discussion with your family.
Treemont Health Care Center
2501 1/2 Westerland Drive
Houston, TX 77063 MAP
Mailing Address
PO Box 631249 Houston, Texas 77263